13+ Copywriting Side Hustle | Earn More With Your Words!

Copywriting as a side hustle could be your ticket to extra income and creative freedom. 

Learn the ropes of SEO, specialize in a niche, and manage your projects efficiently. 

From setting the right prices to leveraging technology, we’ll cover practical steps to turn your writing skills into a profitable venture.

Best Copywriting Side Hustle

Are you a writer looking to make extra cash? Here are copywriting side gigs that fit perfectly into your schedule.

1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO is about making content that helps websites show up higher in search results. 

It’s great for writers because you can work from anywhere, anytime, and it requires little to no talking to clients. 

To get started, learn SEO basics through online courses and tutorials. Then, pitch your services to website owners or pick up freelance gigs on platforms like Upwork or Freelancer.

2. Social Media

This involves creating engaging posts and content for platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Writers love this gig as it allows creativity and flexible scheduling. 

Begin by managing your own social media profiles to gain experience. Later, offer your services to small businesses or through job listings online.

3. Email Marketing

Here, you write emails that persuade people to buy products or sign up for services. This gig suits writers who prefer working solo and enjoy crafting compelling messages. 

You can start by taking online courses on email marketing and then approach small companies or startups who might need your skills.

4. Sales Pages and Landing Pages

Sales Pages and Landing Pages

Creating persuasive sales and landing pages can really boost a business’s sales. 

It’s a solid choice for writers because it involves crafting powerful messages without needing constant interaction with others. 

Get your start by studying successful sales pages. Practice by offering your writing services to e-commerce sites or marketing agencies.

5. Product Descriptions

Writing product descriptions involves creating appealing and informative texts for items sold online. It’s ideal for writers looking for quick tasks that don’t require much back-and-forth. 

Learn about what makes descriptions work by checking out popular online marketplaces, then try your hand at freelance platforms or contact online stores directly.

6. Social Media Optimization

Social media optimization involves crafting content that increases engagement and visibility on social platforms. Writers benefit from flexible work hours and the ability to work remotely. 

You can start by studying successful social media campaigns and offering your services to local businesses or through online freelance platforms.

7. Podcast Script Writing

In podcast script writing, you create the outline or entire script for podcast episodes. 

This gig is great for copywriters because it involves creative storytelling and can be done on your own schedule. 

To begin, listen to popular podcasts to understand the format and then offer your writing services to new or existing podcasters.

Podcast Script Writing

8. E-commerce

E-commerce involves writing product descriptions, blog posts, and other website content that drives sales. It’s perfect for writers who like working independently and need flexible work hours. 

Start by learning the basics of e-commerce marketing and then reach out to online retailers or look for freelance gigs online.

9. Startup Pitch Decks

Creating pitch decks for startups entails developing persuasive presentations that startups can use to attract investors. 

This work suits copywriters who enjoy turning complex ideas into engaging stories. 

To get started, familiarize yourself with the elements of effective pitch decks and network with entrepreneurs at local startup events or online.

10. Small Business Services

This broad category includes writing newsletters, brochures, and promotional materials for small businesses. 

It’s a good fit for writers who seek variety in their work and prefer short-term projects. 

Gain experience by volunteering your services for local nonprofits or small businesses in your community, then expand by advertising your services more broadly.

11. Ghostwriting for Thought Leadership

Ghostwriting for thought leaders involves writing articles, blogs, or even books under someone else’s name. 

It’s great for copywriters who enjoy diving deep into new topics and have a knack for adopting other people’s voices. 

You can start by connecting with professionals on LinkedIn who might need someone to articulate their expertise.

12. Video Script Writing

This side hustle is about crafting engaging scripts for videos that could be used for marketing, education, or entertainment. 

It suits copywriters looking for creative projects that can be done at any time. 

To kick off, watch popular videos to understand the flow and style that work best. Then, offer your script writing services on freelance websites.

Video Script Writing.

13. Case Study and White Paper Writing

Writing case studies and white papers involves creating detailed, authoritative content that helps businesses showcase their success or explain complex products. 

This is ideal for writers who like research and detailed writing. Begin by studying examples from your industry of interest. 

Reach out to businesses with your proposal for creating documents that highlight their achievements or explain their products.

How To Do Copywriting As A Side Hustle?

Starting a copywriting side hustle is a smart way to earn extra income while honing your writing skills. Here’s a straightforward guide on how to begin:

1. Learn the Basics of SEO and Copywriting

Understanding SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is essential for any copywriter. SEO involves writing content that ranks well on search engines and appeals to readers. 

Start by taking free or paid online courses through platforms like Coursera or Udemy, and watch instructional videos on YouTube to grasp the basics. 

This knowledge will make your writing more valuable to potential clients.

2. Find Clients on Freelance Platforms

Once you’re confident in your skills, the next step is finding people who will pay for them. Join freelance platforms such as Upwork, Freelancer, or Fiverr. 

These websites allow you to connect with clients looking for copywriting services. Each platform works a bit differently, so choose the one that best fits your style and needs:

  • Upwork is suitable for both short-term tasks and long-term contracts.
  • Freelancer tends to offer more quick, one-off projects.
  • Fiverr is ideal for offering specific services at set prices.

3. Build and Showcase Your Portfolio

Clients want to see evidence of your writing quality and style. 

If you don’t have professional samples yet, create some mock-up projects or volunteer to write for local businesses or charities. 

Share these samples on a LinkedIn profile or a personal website. Including client testimonials and case studies can further enhance your portfolio and attract more work.

Showcase Your Portfolio.

4. Set Your Rates

Pricing can be challenging in the beginning. Research typical rates for copywriting work but be prepared to start lower to attract your first few clients. 

As you gain experience and build your portfolio, you can start charging more. Remember, your rates can vary based on the complexity and length of the projects.

5. Network and Promote Your Services

Networking is key in the freelance world. Use social media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram to connect with potential clients and other writers. 

Join online writing communities and participate in discussions. This can lead to job opportunities and collaborations. 

Also, consider creating your own website to showcase your work and share your expertise in blog posts, which can help attract clients.